Moon Press | Tour de Moon
moon press


is an urgent intervention into publishing. A zine that works to break down conventions between the environment, humans, and outer space. Moon Press is released at every full moon with a rotation of monthly appointed guest editors, designers and a selection of brilliant artists that challenge the status quo and offer alternatives for new futures.

What stories are yet to be told to the moon?

Moon Press is an intervention into publishing, creating space for underrepresented writers, thinkers, and artists to speak to a larger audience and draw connections between the environment, humans, and outer space. As a printed and online publication, Moon Press releases issues every month in line with each full moon. Each issue consists of articles, illustrations, artworks, commissions, poetry, and more.  

Tour de Moon is a festival committed to social justice, plurality and equity. We actively encourage applicants who are from Black African, African Caribbean, South Asian, East Asian, South West Asian, North African, Arab or Latinx heritage, or those artists from communities who are marginalised for their race or culture. We also welcome those who are marginalised due to their gender or gender expression. We welcome all creators and scientists who identify as d/Deaf or disabled, as these creators and scientists have historically been underrepresented in festivals and elsewhere.


Moon Press is urgent because it recognises that we will not survive without using our imagination, without dreaming up new systems of living, and thriving with one another. Moon Press will platform a myriad of ways of doing and thinking about our current environments, highlighting alternative perspectives and reaching a broader audience, one capable of making real change. From its content and values, to the collaborative infrastructure of the team, Moon Press is a necessary intervention into publishing, art, and culture.


Some of the topics which we are exploring: Climate emergency, ancestors, diaspora, migration, myth, nighttime, space, astrology, colonialism, decolonisation, space exploration