Apply | Tour de Moon



Tour de Moon is a festival committed to 18-25 years olds, nighttime workers and their creativity, social justice, plurality and equity. We actively encourage applicants who are from Black African, African Caribbean, South Asian, East Asian, South West Asian, North African, Arab or Latinx heritage, or those artists from communities who are marginalised for their race or culture. We also welcome those who are marginalised due to their gender or gender expression. We welcome all creators and scientists who identify as d/Deaf or disabled, as these creators and scientists have historically been underrepresented in festivals and elsewhere.

Your work- if selected- will feature as a part of Tour de Moon festival and will tour around the UK in the first ever 100% electric convoy!

You can read the criteria for selection in Frequently Asked Questions and feel free to text us at +44 (0) 7377837842 with any further questions, or email us at


If you would like to provide us with examples of your previous work and cannot upload them here, there is another way! Please complete the rest of the application form as usual and email us at with your files attached (max 8MB). 


Tour de Moon is a festival committed to 18-25 year olds, nighttime workers and their creativity, social justice, plurality and equity. 

We actively encourage applicants who are from Black African, African Caribbean, South Asian, East Asian, South West Asian, North African, Arab or Latinx heritage, or those artists from communities who are marginalised for their race or culture. 

We also welcome those who are marginalised due to their gender or gender expression. 

We welcome all creators and scientists who identify as d/Deaf or disabled, as these creators and scientists have historically been underrepresented in festivals and elsewhere.

Are you an individual or a collective?
Entries are accepted in English. If you would like to enter in another language, Braille or British Sign Language, please submit a video entry or contact us directly.
How do you want us to reachout?
Maximum 3 files.
200 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.
Are you based in the UK and able to work in the UK?
Please note our open calls are specifically for 18-25 years old, however we do accept all applications
We actively encourage applicants who are from Black African, African Caribbean, South Asian, East Asian, South West Asian, North African, Arab or Latinx heritage, or those artists from communities who are marginalised for their race or culture.
Prefer not to say? Leave blank.

Add any prefered Pronouns (We also welcome those who are marginalised due to their gender or gender expression)
Prefer not to say? Leave blank.

Do you identify as someone with a disability?
Prefer not to say? Leave blank.
Are you happy for us to stay in touch and email you more opportunities to take part in the festival?