Jackie Edwards | Tour de Moon
moon experiences patch
Jackie Edwards

Jackie Edwards is a North East based actor, writer and facilitator. She started acting at Live Youth Theatre, for whom she is now a regular facilitator. Her acting credits include: The Dumping Ground, Inside Out (BBC), Cheer Up Slug, (Live Theatre) My Mate Ren (Alphabetti, Sticky Theatre) and From The Ashes (Curious Monkey). She has also performed with New Writing North, Circus Central and Tyneside Cinema.

 She is also a writer and performer with the comedy troupe Your Aunt Fanny: Minge Unhinged (debut tour, 2019), Bonnie & Fanny’s Xmas Spectacular (Live Theatre, 2019 & 2021), Your Aunt Fanny’s Cum Back (Cumberland Arms, 2021). The group have produced a podcast (Match Made In Seven), and are now preparing their next full length show Muff Said for their Edinburgh Fringe debut in summer 2022.

Jackie is passionate about North East stories; in 2019 she wrote her own folktale Some Said: The North Sea Beast, and produced, directed and performed in a short film of it. Jackie is now working towards producing her second folktale.