Dionne Scougul is a young radio presenter and producer born and raised in Croydon as a second generation Sierra Leonean immigrant. They first began producing and hosting radio shows around the age of 16 at a community radio station in North London. Dionne has a key focus on political, environmental and humanitarian issues, with this passion being highlighted on their radio show, and other aspects of their life. They have been featured in BBC documentaries, magazines and speaking panels due to their work as a climate activist. Alongside their spoken communication Dionne is an avid fiction writer with a focus on poetry and plays.
Their poetry and satirical pieces have been featured in Moon Press in the past as well as other online Zines such as Tether’s End. Dionne’s playwriting takes a semi-biographical approach to real life events with fictionalized characters being placed in real life situations, their current project focuses on the impact of the blood diamond trade in Sierra Leone, drawing on their families lived experiences alongside factual documentaries and news pieces.