Born and bred in Singapore, Bart is currently based in London. His practice attempts to interrogate both canonic art history and contemporary subcultures from a position of queerness.
Bart was selected to be part of Dazed x Circa’s Class of 2021, and is co-curator of Kawaii Agency. His work has been featured on SHOWstudio, Time Out Singapore, Female and Dazed.
The Very Thought of You
The film centres around the experience of a vacuum-sealed Earth refugee’s imminent arrival onto the Moon. Taking place in a hallucinatory space brought upon by his own tortured subconscious, he is gradually released from his latex cryo-vacuum pod. A video message from his lover, who was left on Earth, appears. His lover goes into an angry monologue, accusing the man of abandoning him and his home in a bid for personal survival.